Increasingly, researchers are finding a correlation between that what is good for the heart, is also good for the brain. Good blood flow to the grey matter is essential for...
Posts By: Constance Schein, RN
What are ADLs?
There is a common term that you will hear if you are researching assisted living or memory care communities: ADLs. ADL stands for Activities of Daily Living. These...
How to be a medical advocate for your aging parent
As your parent ages, they may begin to slow down not only physically, but also cognitively. They may process things much slower and their comprehension can diminish. Tasks...
What Matters at the End of Life
Elder care today is not a simple equation of getting a diagnosis and scheduling treatment. It is more about having a quality of life discussion and how treatment might tip...
Over-the-Counter Medication Safety
Just because you can purchase over-the-counter medications at your local grocery store or drugstore, it does not mean these are harmless.
Using the Expertise of a Geriatrician
One of the many things that a new parent prepares for, before the arrival of their bouncing baby, is selecting a pediatrician–a doctor who specializes in the physical,...
The Safe Way to Dispose of Medications
Approximately 40% of all medications purchased in the U.S. each year remain unused.
When your sense of taste and smell fade
The taste of a freshly baked peanut butter cookie can remind you of your mom covered in flour greeting you after a long day at school. The smell of pipe tobacco might remind...
Malnutrition In the Elderly
The word “malnutrition” makes us think of those in third world countries, war-torn cities, or those living in extreme poverty.
Myths About the Flu Vaccine
The children have returned to school.